October, November, December 2023
Message from the Board
E nga whanau puta noa Aotearoa me te Ao whanui, tena koutou katoa. Anei te reo o te
poari e karanga ake e powhiri atu nei haere mai haere. Kia nga aitua maha, kua huri tuara,
ko hoki wairua atu, moe mai i runga te rangimarie, kia tatou nga kanohi ora, tena ano
koutou, oti ra, tena tatou katoa. Na mihi aroha mai te kainga nei, noho ora mai i raro te
maru o te Atua.
We hope you enjoy our first newsletter publication, updating beneficial owners on what’s
happening here at home in Oromahoe and look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
The trustees also take this opportunity to greet and extend their Christmas greetings to
you all. Have a wonderful break with your whanau, keep safe and may the New Year bring
opportunity and prosperity to all.
Wiremu Tane (heamena)